Thursday, August 6, 2015

Heros and Critics

Donald Trump isn't qualified to judge whom is a hero and who is not. While Trump was taking deferment after deferment by staying in school to dodge the draft, War Hero McCain spent over 5 years as a Prisoner Of War in a North Vietnam prison camp after being shot down. McCain was injured in the crash and tortured while in prison. McCain was honored with 17 military awards and decorations. Those include the Silver Star Medal, the Legion of Merit, a Distinguished Flying Cross and a Bronze Star Medal. McCain's politics (like them or not) have nothing to do with the fact that he served our country with great honor and dignity and he is a war hero in every sense of the term.
Torture to Trump may very well be when his hair stylist takes a little too much off the top. Trump's only star is the one on his dressing room door because of a TV show. In comparison to McCain, Trump is nothing. This post is more attention than he is worthy of!